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Year 1

Each term we will update this page to signpost you to a website or some ideas for activities that link to the learning in the classroom. You and your child can explore these ideas together to extend learning at home. We would love to see any learning that you have done at home whether on the computer, a drawing, some writing, maths or a photo so please bring it to school to share.

In Autumn 2 we shall be focusing on the following learning….


In English we shall be reading together some non-fiction texts, learning bout features such as contents pages, indexes, labels, captions and titles.

In reading and writing, we shall be continuing to apply phase 2, 3 and 4 phonic sounds.

In maths, we are using counters to solve adding and taking away questions within the number range 0-30 e.g. 12 – 3, 14 + 6.   When we are secure at answering these calculations using counters, we shall be solving them using a structured number line.

In handwriting we shall be continuing to practise letter patterns, but also focusing on the letter family c, a, d, o, g and q as they all start in the same formation.

Our metal maths sessions will be based around learning number bonds to 10 (two numbers that add together to total 10) e.g. 1+9, 2+8 etc.  There is a brilliant number 10 rap, which we shall be using to support us recalling these pairs of numbers.


In our foundation subjects we shall be learning about “The Great Fire of London”.  Below is a great website to play a fun game, reinforcing some of the learning we shall be covering in class.

We shall be programming instruction s into robots that travel across the floor, turning them right and left.  Helping your child to be confident in knowing their right and left will really help them.

We shall be learning about the Christian nativity story.  This site has a retelling of the story which is nice.


In art we shall be learning to colour mix primary colours to make secondary colours.


We hope this gives you a few ideas to help and support your child during the Autumn term, The Year One Team

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