Welcome to the start of the new term 2022!
There are lots of events and activities planned for this years fundraising - please check here for information, newsletters, forms and more!
Here are the committee for this year:
Cafe Team - Clare Briggs (Sophia Y2)
Should you need to contact any of the committee please feel free to do so at SHFOSHI@yahoo.com
Each class has a class representative on committee:
Year R - Rubies
Class 4 - Emily Grassby
Class 1 - Diamonds
Ellie Arthur
Class 5 - Emeralds
Katrin Penzkofer
Class 6 - Sapphires
Rachel Bayati
Thank you to all of the committee last year for all your hard work and the amazing funds raised. We hope we can do as good a job this year!
Mandy Dening & Alison Scott-Welsh