On Monday 23rd April 2018, our Golden Gates were officially opened.
Over a year and a half ago, Mrs Wilson had the idea to design brand new gates for the school's main entrance. Arts Council discussed this with Miss Riley and began to gather ideas of what the gates might look like. Mrs Waring Green then took these ideas to a black smith, Sam Bailey. Sam designed his initial ideas for the gate and explained this to the children within an assembly, as well as sharing his career as a black smith.
During this time, many Alresford companies and groups donated money to the creation of the gates. Each of these companies are represented within the gates to show the community of Alresford. Year Two worked with Mrs Gandy and Sam to draw pictures of each company and these designs were then incorporated into the centre of the gates.
Finally, the children offered their ideas of the words that they would like to be on the archway of the gates; words that demonstrate the values of our school.
I am sure that you will agree that the gates are amazing and we hope they are used for many years to come as new children begin their learning journey at Sun Hill Infant School.