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Sun Hill Infant and Preschool

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English Curriculum Intent


Our English curriculum has been designed to encourage a lifelong love of reading, writing and conversation, which will enable all of our children to participate fully in school life and in the world beyond. Therefore, it is our intention that all of our pupils learn to speak with the confidence and the vocabulary to clearly articulate their ideas, opinions and feelings. We also expect them to understand the importance of listening respectfully and actively to the ideas, opinions and feelings of others. We continually strive to create a reading rich environment and aim for all of our pupils to develop the habit of reading widely and often, with enthusiasm, confidence and increasing independence. Through access to the wonders of regularly reviewed, high quality texts, we aim to instill a love for reading and a passion for the discovery of new information, places, people and adventures. Inspiring high-quality texts are also at the heart of our writing curriculum and when combined with real life experiences, our children are motivated to write in a meaningful way. All of our planned writing experiences link to our wider curriculum and are intended to enable our children to become confident, capable, independent writers.
